고려대학교 심리학부 로고 이미지



이전 교수 상세 소개 페이지 이동 화살표
임상 및 상담심리

최기홍 교수


중증정신질환(severe mental illness), 성격 평가(personality assessment), 심리치료 효과검증 (psychotherapy outcome trials), 심리평가 개발 (development of psychological assessment), ICT 기반 심리학적 서비스 개발 (ICT based psychological service development)

다음 교수 상세 소개 페이지 이동 화살표
기본 정보
  • 2010. Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • 2003. M.A. in Clinical and Counseling Psychology, Korea University
  • 2001. B.A. in Psychology, Korea University
경력 및 수상
  • 경력
  • 2012. 9. ~ present / 고려대학교 심리학과 교수, Professor, School of Psychology, Korea University
  • 2017. ~ present / KU마음건강연구소 소장, KU Mind Health Institute, Korea University
  • 2021. ~ present / 마음건강케이유㈜ 대표이사, mindeep.co.kr/ kucbt.co.kr
  • 2020. ~ present / Associate Editor, Frontier in Psychology
  • 2019. 1. ~ 2020. 1. / 웨슬리안 대학교, 풀브라이트 방문교수, Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Department of Psychology, Wesleyan University
  • 2012. 1. ~ 2012. 8. / 예일대학교 대학병원, 연구과학자, Associate Research Scientist, Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Yale University
  • 2010. 9. ~ 2011. 12. / 컬럼비아 대학병원, 매리캐슬 팰로우, Marie-Kessle Fellow, Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University Medical Center

  • 수상
  • 2022. 보건복지부 장관 표창
  • 2022. 석탑연구상
  • 2019. 석탑연구상
  • 2017.석탑연구상
  • 2014. 석탑강의상
학부 및 대학원 담당과목
  • 정신재활의학
  • 이상심리학
  • 인지치료
  • 성격장애세미나
  • 리더의 정서지능
  • 정신건강평가기술
  • 최기홍, 아파도 아프다 하지 못하면(2018). 사회평론: 서울
  • 최기홍, 정서도식치료 매뉴얼 (2019). 박영story: 서울
  • 최기홍, 이은별, 송하림 (2020). 청소년을 위한 행동활성화, 학지사: 서울
  • 최기홍, 감정의 심리학 (2021). 국수: 서울
  • (최근5년)
  • Yeo, H., Yoon, S., Lee, J., Kurtz, M., & Choi, K-H*. (2022). A meta-analysis of the effects of social-cognitive training in schizophrenia: The role of treatment characteristics and study quality, British Journal of Clinical Psychology, doi.org/10.1111/bjc.12320
  • Lee., J., & Choi, K-H*. (2002). Mother-Child Social Cognition Among Multicultural Families in South Korea, Frontiers in Psychiatry 13:883212. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.883212
  • Yan, Y., Ro, E., Lee, T-J., …Choi, K-H*. (2022). The Multi-Sites Trial on the Effects of Therapeutic Gardening on Mental Health and Well-Being, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(13), 8046; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19138046
  • Ro, e., Kim, H., & Choi, K-H*. (2022). International standards for licensing psychologists, required core competencies and legislation in South Korea, Korean Journal of Psychology: General, 41(3), 243-255.
  • Park, K., Yoon, S., Cho, S., Choi, Y., Lee, S-H., & Choi, K-H*. (2022). Final validation of the Mental Health Screening Tool for Depressive Disorders (MHS:D): A brief online and offline screening tool for major depressive disorder, Frontiers in Psychology. 13:992068. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.992068
  • Choi, S., Choi, E., Bahk, Y-C., Choi, K-H*., &Seo, D-G*. (2022) Latent Profile Analysis of Bright and Dark Personality Inventory: Focused on comparison of origin form and short form, Korean Jounral of Social and Personality Psychology, 36(4), 253-279.
  • Kim, J., Lee, S., Lee, D., Shim, S., Balva, D., Choi, K-H., Chey, J., Shin, S-H., & Ahn, W-Y. (2022) Psychological treatments for excessive gaming: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Scientific reports, 12: 20485
  • Kim, H.S., Son, G., Roh, E.B., Ahn, W.Y., Kim, J., Shin, S.H., Chey, J.Y., & Choi, K.H. * (2022). Prevalence of gaming disorder: A meta-analysis, Addictive behaviors 126, 107183
  • Lee, E., Han, Y., Cha, Y.J., Oh, J.H., Hwang, N.R., Seo, J.H., & Choi, K.H. * (2022). Community-based multi-site randomized controlled trial of behavioral activation for patients with depressive disorders, Community mental health journal 58 (2), 343-355
  • Jang, J., Yoon, S., Son, G., Kang, M., Cheoh, J.H., & Choi, K.H. * (2022). Predicting Personality and Psychological Distress Using Natural Language Processing: A Study Protocol, Frontiers in Psychology 13
  • Cho, Y-E., & Choi, K-H (2022). Emotional Pain and Therapeutic Outcomes in Psychotherapy, Journal of Korea Society for Wellness, doi.org/10.21097/ksw.2022.
  • Yoon, S., Yang, Y., Ro, E., Ahn, W.Y., Kim, J., Shin, S.H., Chey, J., & Choi, K.H. * (2021). Reliability, and Convergent and Discriminant Validity of Gaming Disorder Scales: A Meta-Analysis, Frontiers in psychology, 5659
  • Chang, R.S., Lee, M., Im, J., Choi, K.H., Kim, J., Chey, J., Shin, S.H., & Ahn, W.Y. (2021). Is there adequate evidence for" game addiction?": A systematic review of biopsychosocial factors of gaming disorder, PsyArXiv
  • Kim, S.H., Park, K., Yoon, S., Choi, Y., Lee, S.H., & Choi, K.H. * (2021). A Brief Online and Offline (Paper-and-Pencil) Screening Tool for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: The Final Phase in the Development and Validation of the Mental Health Screening Tool for Anxiety Disorders (MHS: A), Frontiers in psychology 12, 418
  • Oh, H., Jang, S.K., Lee, H.S., Lee, E.B., & Choi, K.H.* (2021). Personality traits in individuals with the dual diagnosis of psychosis and substance use disorders: a comprehensive review and meta-analysis, Journal of Dual Diagnosis 17 (1), 34-51
  • Han, K., Park, H., Choi, K.H., & Lee, J. (2021). Mobile Augmen Personality traits in individuals with the dual diagnosis of psychosis and substance use disorders: a comprehensive review and meta-analysis ted Reality Serious Game for Improving Old Adults’ Working Memory, Applied Sciences 11 (17), 7843
  • Jeon, H.J., Song, H.S., Lee, J.H., Park, K., Choi, K.H., & Seo, D.G. (2021). Development of Growth Model Using Ecological Momentary Assessment: Based on Senior Vitality Quotient, ournal of the Korea Convergence Society 12 (5), 313-326
  • Suh, J.W., Lee, E.B., Han, Y., Lee, M.G., & Choi, K.H*. (2021). The effects of brief behavioral activation (BA) on children with physical disabilities: A randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 91 (1), 86
  • Yeo, H.W., Yoon, S.W., Lee, J.H., Kurtz, M.M., Choi, K.H. * (2021). A meta-analysis of the effects of social-cognitive training in schizophrenia: The role of treatment characteristics and study quality. British Journal of Clinical Psychology
  • Han, Y, Jang, J, Cho, E, & Choi, K.H.* (2021). Investigating how individual differences influence responses to the COVID-19 crisis: The role of maladaptive and five-factor personality traits. Personality and Individual Differences, 176, 110786.
  • Lim, J., Kwon, Y., Jung, S., Park, K., Lee, W., Lee, S., Horan, W., & Choi, K.H.* (2020). Benefits of social cognitive skills training within routine community mental health services: Evidence from a non-randomized parallel controlled study. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 54, 102314.
  • Yoon, S., Park, K., & Choi, K.H.* (2020). The ultra brief checklist for suicidality. Journal of Affective Disorders, 276, 279-286.
  • Jeakal, E., Park, K., Lee, E., Strauss, G. P., & Choi, K. H.*(2020). Validation of the Brief Negative Symptom Scale in Korean patients with schizophrenia. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry, e12382.
  • Park, K., Jaekal, E., Yoon, S., Lee, S. H., & Choi, K. H.* (2020). Diagnostic Utility and Psychometric Properties of the Beck Depression Inventory-II Among Korean Adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2934.
  • Suh, J-W., Lee, H., Yoo, N., Min, H., Seo, D.G.*, Choi, K.H.* (2019) A Brief Version of the Leahy Emotional Schema Scale: A Validation Study. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy.
  • Kim, E.J., Bahk, Y-C., Oh, H., Lee, W.H., Lee, J.S., & Choi, K.H.* (2019) Current Status of Cognitive Remediation for Psychiatric Disorders: A Review. Frontiers in Psychiatry
  • Lee, H.S., Corbera, S., Poltorak A., Park, K.H., Assaf, M. Bell, M., Wexler, B., Choi, K.H.* (2018) Measuring Theory of Mind in Schizophrenia Research: Cross-cultural Validation. Schizophrenia Research
  • Choi, K.H., Kang J., Kim, S.M., Lee, S.H., Park, S.C., Lee, W.H., Choi, S., Park, K., & Hwang, T.Y. (2018). Cognitive Remediation in Middle-Aged or Older Inpatients with Chronic Schizophrenia: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Korea. Frontiers in Psychology. 8:2364. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02364