고려대학교 심리학부 로고 이미지



이전 교수 상세 소개 페이지 이동 화살표
행동인지 신경과학

최준식 교수


학습과 기억 (Learning and Memory), 정서 신경과학 (Emotion Neuroscience), 로봇 심리학 (Robot Psychology)

다음 교수 상세 소개 페이지 이동 화살표
기본 정보
  • 1999. PH.D. in Neuroscience and Behavior, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • 1991. M.A. in Psychology, Korea University
  • 1989. B.A. in Biology, Sogang University
경력 및 수상
  • 2012. ~ present / 고려대학교심리학과 정교수 Professor, Dept. of Psychology,Korea University
  • 2010. ~ 2011. / Visiting scholar, Department of Psychology, University of Washington
  • 2007. ~ 2011. / 고려대학교심리학과 부교수 Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychology,Korea University
  • 2004. ~ 2006. / 고려대학교심리학과 조교수 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Korea University
  • 2002. ~ 2004. / New York University 신경과학센터 박사 후 연구원 Postdoctoral fellow, Center for Neural Science, New York University
  • 1999. ~ 2002. / Yale University 심리학과 박사 후 공동 연구원 Postdoctoral associate, Dept. of Psychology, Yale University
학부 및 대학원 담당과목
  • 심리학의기초
  • 학습심리학
  • 인공지능의심리학
  • 응용인지신경과학
  • 동물행동측정및분석
  • 뇌과학과미래산업
  • 인공지능의심리학적활용
  • 신경과학자를 위한 뇌기능 동물 행동검사, 2006, 시그마 프레스 (공저)
  • 신경과학자를 위한 뇌질환 동물 행동검사, 2006, 시그마 프레스 (공저)
  • 심리학의 이해, 4판, 2012, 학지사 (공저, 윤가현 외 14인)
  • 느끼는 뇌, 2006, 학지사 (Emotional Brain by Joseph LeDoux)
  • 스트레스의 종말, 2010, 시그마북스 (The end of stress by Bruce McEwen)
  • 학습과 기억, 2011, 시그마 프레스 (Learning and memory by Mark A. Gluck)
  • 신경과학자를 위한 뇌질환 동물 행동검사, 2006, 시그마 프레스 (공저)
  • 심리학의 이해, 5판, 2019, 학지사 (공저, 윤가현 외 14인)
  • 느끼는 뇌, 2006, 학지사 (Emotional Brain by Joseph LeDoux)
  • 스트레스의 종말, 2010, 시그마북스 (The end of stress by Bruce McEwen)
  • 학습과 기억 3판, 2019, 시그마 프레스 (Learning and memory by Mark A. Gluck)"
  • Yong Sang Jo, Eun Hye Park, Il Hwan Kim, Soon Kwon Park, Hyun Kim, Hyun Taek Kim, and June-Seek Choi, “ The medial prefrontal cortex is involved in spatial memory retrieval under partial-cue conditions”, Journal of Neuroscience, 27(49), 13567-13578, 2007.
  • Jeong-Tae Kwon and June-Seek Choi, “Cornering the fear engram: Long-term synaptic changes in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala following fear conditioning”, Journal of Neuroscience, 29(31): 9700-9703, 2009.
  • Seokchan Kim, Yong Sang Jo, Ilhwan Kim, Hyun Kim, June-Seek Choi, ""Lack of prefrontal cortex activation underlies the immediate extinction deficit"", Journal of Neuroscience, 30(3):832-837, 2010.
  • June-Seek Choi and Jeansok J. Kim, Amygdala regulates risk of predation in rats foraging in a dynamic fear environment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107: 21773-21777, 2010.
  • Eun Joo Kim, Namsoo Kim, Hyun Taek Kim and June-Seek Choi, The prelimbic cortex is critical for context dependent fear expression. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 7:73. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2013.00073, 2013.
  • Yong Sang Jo, Eun Hye Park, Il Hwan Kim, Soon Kwon Park, Hyun Kim, Hyun Taek Kim, and June-Seek Choi, “ The medial prefrontal cortex is involved in spatial memory retrieval under partial-cue conditions”, Journal of Neuroscience, 27(49), 13567-13578, 2007.
  • Jeong-Tae Kwon and June-Seek Choi, “Cornering the fear engram: Long-term synaptic changes in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala following fear conditioning”, Journal of Neuroscience, 29(31): 9700-9703, 2009.
  • Seokchan Kim, Yong Sang Jo, Ilhwan Kim, Hyun Kim, June-Seek Choi, ""Lack of prefrontal cortex activation underlies the immediate extinction deficit"", Journal of Neuroscience, 30(3):832-837, 2010.
  • June-Seek Choi and Jeansok J. Kim, Amygdala regulates risk of predation in rats foraging in a dynamic fear environment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107: 21773-21777, 2010.
  • Eun Joo Kim, Namsoo Kim, Hyun Taek Kim and June-Seek Choi, The prelimbic cortex is critical for context dependent fear expression. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 7:73. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2013.00073, 2013.
  • Mihee Song, Yong Sang Jo, Yeon-Kyung Lee, June-Seek Choi, Lesions of the lateral habenula, facilitate active avoidance learning and threat extinction, Behavioural Brain Research, 318, 12-17, 2017.
  • Sun-Min Kim, Ye-Jin Kwon, Soo-Yun Jung, Min-Ji Kim, Yang Seok Cho, Hyun Taek Kim, Ki-Chun Nam, Hackjin Kim, Kee-Hong Choi and June-Seek Choi, Development of the Korean Facial Emotion Stimuli: Korea University Facial Expression Collection 2nd Edition, Front. Psychol., 2017, doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00769.
  • Tristan Geiller, Mohammad Fattahi, June-Seek Choi and Sebastien Royer, Place cells are more strongly tied to landmarks in deep than in superficial CA1, Nature Communications, Published 20 Feb, 2017. doi:10.1038/ncomms14531.
  • Eun-Hwa Hong and June-Seek Choi, Observational threat conditioning is induced by circa-strike activity burst but not freezing and requires visual attention, Behavioural Brain Research 353(1), 161-167, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.20
  • Sunwhi Kimm, June-Seek Choi, Sensory and motivational modulation of immediate and delayed defensive responses under dynamic threat, Journal of Neuroscience Methods,Volume 307,2018, Pages 84-94, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneumeth.2018.06.023.
  • Ji-Hye Lee, Sunwhi Kimm, Jung-Soo Han & June-Seek Choi (2018) Chasing as a model of psychogenic stress: characterization of physiological and behavioral responses, Stress, 21:4, 323-332, DOI: 10.1080/10253890.2018.1455090"