고려대학교 심리학부 로고 이미지



이전 교수 상세 소개 페이지 이동 화살표
행동인지 신경과학

김학진 교수


사회신경과학 (Social neuroscience), 의사결정 신경과학 (Decision neuroscience), 신경경제학 (Neuroeconomics), 자존감 (Self-esteem), 공감 (Empathy), 도덕성 (Morality), 이타성 (Altruism)

다음 교수 상세 소개 페이지 이동 화살표
기본 정보
  • 2004, Ph.D. in Biological Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • 1998, M.A. in Computational Neuroscience, Boston University
  • 1995, B.A. in Psychology, Korea University
경력 및 수상
  • 2016.9 ~ present - 고려대학교 심리학과 교수, Professor, Department of Psychology, Korea University
  • 2011. 9. ~2016. 8. – 고려대학교 심리학과 부교수, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Korea University
  • 2007. 9. ~2011. 8. – 고려대학교, 심리학과 조교수, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Korea University
  • 석탑연구상 수상 (2016, 2019), Korea University Seok-Top Research Award (2016, 2019)
  • 2011 ~present – Editorial Review Board, Journal of Neuropsychology
  • 2017 ~present – Editorial Review Board, Journal of Neuroscience
  • 2015 ~2020 – Editorial Review Board, Frontiers in Psychology
학부 및 대학원 담당과목
  • 사회신경과학
  • 행동경제학
  • 고급실험설계
  • 의사결정심리학
  • 선택의심리학
  • 사회저인뇌
저서 및 북챕터
  • H Kim (2017). A Journey into the Secret of Altruist's Brain (이타주의자의 은밀한 뇌구조). galmaenamu.
  • Whalen PJ, Davis FC, Oler JA, Kim H, Kim MJ, & Neta M. (2009).  Human amygdala responses to facial expressions of emotion.  In: Whalen PJ & Phelps EA (Eds.). The Human Amygdala. New York: Guilford Press.
  • L Yoon, K Kim, D Jung, H Kim. (2021). Roles of the MPFC and Insula in Impression Management under Social Observation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
  • H Kim. (2020). Stability or Plasticity?–A Hierarchical Allostatic Regulation Model of Medial Prefrontal Cortex Function for Social Valuation. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14, 281.
  • Yoon L, Somerville LH, Kim H. (2018). Development of MPFC function mediates shifts in self-protective behavior provoked by social feedback. Nature Communications, 9, 3086.
  • Sul S, Tobler PN, Grit Hein G, Leiberg S, Jung D, Fehr E, Kim H. (2105). Spatial gradient in value representation along the medial prefrontal cortex reflects individual differences in prosociality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 112(25), 7851-7856.
  • Kang P, Lee YS, Choi I, Kim H. Neural evidence for individual and cultural modulation of social comparison effect. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(41), 16200-16208.
  • Kim H, Adolphs R, O'Doherty JP, and Shimojo S. (2007). Temporal isolation of neural processes underlying face preference decisions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 104, 18253-18258.
  • Kim H, Shimojo S, and O’Doherty JP. (2006). Is avoiding an aversive outcome rewarding? Neural substrates of avoidance learning in the human brain. PloS Biology, 4, e233.