고려대학교 심리학부 로고 이미지



이전 교수 상세 소개 페이지 이동 화살표

이태헌 교수


잠재변인모델링 (Latent Variable Modelling), 심리측정 (Psychometrics), 기계학습 (Machine Learning), 텍스트 분석 (Text Analytics), HR 애널리틱스 (HR Analytics), 결측치 처리 (Missing Data Analysis)

다음 교수 상세 소개 페이지 이동 화살표
기본 정보
  • 2010. Ph.D. University of North Carolina, Quantitative Psychology.
  • 2009. M.S. University of North Carolina, Statistics.
  • 2003. M.A. Seoul National University, Quantitative Psychology.
  • 2001. B.A. Seoul National University, Psychology.
경력 및 수상
  • 2023. 9 ~ Present / 고려대학교 심리학부 교수, Professor, School of Psychology, Korea University.
  • 2022. 9 – 2023. 8/ 방문 교수, Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Univeristy of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  • 2016. 9 – 2023. 8/ 중앙대학교 조교수, 부교수, 교수, Professor, Quantitative, Department of Psychology, Chung-Ang University, Seoul.
  • 2012. 8 – 2016. 8/ Assistant Professor, Quantitative, Department of Psychology, University of Oklahoma, Norman.
  • 2010. 6 - 2012. 8/ Postdoctoral Researcher, Quantitative, Department of Education, University of California, Los Angeles.
학부 및 대학원 담당과목
  • 초급심리통계
  • 고급심리통계
  • 고급심리측정
  • 서현주, 이효남, 조아름, 박은규, 김강호, & 이태헌. (2022). 직업가치관검사 직업 예측타당성 검증 및 양식개발. 한국고용연구원 연구총서, 1-211.
  • 윤정숙, 김민영, & 이태헌. (2020). 교정시설내 성범죄자 심리치료 프로그램 효과성 평가 연구. 형사정책연구원 연구총서, 1-147.
  • 윤정숙, 이태헌, & 김현숙. (2019). 아동· 청소년 성범죄에서 그루밍 (grooming) 의 특성 및 대응방안 연구. 형사정책연구원 연구총서, 1-159.
  • MacCallum, R. C., Lee, T., & Browne, M. W. (2013). Fungible parameter estimates in latent curve models. In M. E. Edwards & R. C. MacCallum (Eds.), Current topics in the theory and application of latent variable models (pp. 183 – 197). New York, Routledge.
  • Lee, T.*, Cai, L., & MacCallum, R. C. (2012). Power analysis for tests of structural equation models. In R. Hoyle, D. Kaplan, G. Marcoulides, & S. West (Eds.), Handbook of structural equation modeling (pp. 181 – 194). New York: Guilford.
  • Curran. P. J., Lee, T., Howard, A.L., Lane, S.T., & MacCallum, R.C. (2012). Disaggregating within-person and between-person effects in multilevel and structural equation growth models. In. G. R. Hancock & J. R. Harring (Eds.) Advances in longitudinal methods in the social and behavioral sciences (pp. 217 – 253). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  • Cai, L., Chung, S., & Lee, T. (2023). Incremental Model Fit Assessment in the Case of Categorical Data: Tucker-Lewis Index for Item Response Theory Modeling, Prevention Science., 24(3), 455-466.
  • Park, J., Chang, J., & Lee, T.*. (2022). The Impacts of Inward Knowledge Transfer and Absorptive Capacity on the Turnover of Host Country Nationals in MNE Subsidiaries: A Multilevel Modeling Approach, Journal of Knowledge Management, 26(11), 1-21.
  • Shi, D., DiStefano, C., Maydeu-Olivares, A., & Lee, T.*. (2022). Evaluating SEM Model fit with Small Degrees of Freedom, Multivariate Behavioral Research, 57(2), 197-207.
  • Lee, T.* , & Shi, D. (2021). A Comparison of Full Information Maximum Likelihood and Multiple Imputation for Structural Equation Modeling with Missing Data, Psychological Methods, 26(4), 466-485.
  • 이태헌*. (2021). 빅 데이터와 기계 학습의 시대 심리학 연구 모형의 선정 원칙과 방법. 한국심리학회지: 일반, 40(4), 389-413.
  • 윤정한, 이태헌*. (2021). 컴퓨터 기반 적응적 심리 검사 제작을 위한 문항 선정 알 고리즘으로서 Alternating Model Tree의 활용 가능성 탐색. 한국심리학회지: 일반, 40(4), 539-566.
  • 양혜진, 인정민, 이태헌*. (2021). 텍스트 빅데이터 분석을 통한 한국인의 불공정성 경험 분석: 국민청원 게시판 데이터 분석 결과를 중심으로, 조사 연구, 22(1), 25-59.
  • Joo, S., Liu, K., & Lee, T.* (2020). Analysis of Content Topics, User Engagement, and Library Factors in Public Library Social Media based on Text Mining, Online Information Review, 44(1), 258-277.
  • Shi, D., Lee, T.*, Fairchild, J. A., & Maydeu-Olivares, A. (2020). Fitting ordinal factor analysis models with missing data: A comparison between pairwise deletion and multiple imputation, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 80(1), 41-66.
  • Lin, L., Shi, D., Snyder, L. A., Lee, T. *, & Taylor, W. D. (2019). Structure and Measurement Invariance of Ethnic Identify for Native American College Students, Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1-8.
  • Shi, D., Lee, T.* & Maydeu-Olivares, A. (2019). Understanding the Model Size Effect on SEM Fit Indices, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 79(2), 310-314.
  • Lee, T.*, MacCallum. R. C., & Browne, M. W. (2018). Fungible Estimates in Structural Equation Modeling, Psychological Methods, 23(1), 58-75.
  • Shi, D., Lee, T.* & Terry, R. (2018). Revisiting the Model Size Effect in Structural Equation Modeling, Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 25(1), 21-40.
  • Park, S., Hahn, S., Lee, T., & Minji, J (2018). Two Factor Model of Consumer Satisfaction: International Tourism Research, Tourism Management, 67, 82-88.
  • Lin, L., Lee, T.*, & Snyder, L. A., (2018). Math Self-Efficacy and STEM Intentions: A Person-Centered Approach, Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1-13.