고려대학교 심리학부 로고 이미지



이전 교수 상세 소개 페이지 이동 화살표
임상 및 상담심리

신민섭 특임교수


아동청소년 정신병리(Child & Adolescent Psychopathology), 심리진단 및 평가(Psychodiagnosis & Psychological Assessment), 아동임상신경심리학(Child Clinical Neuropsychology), IT-기반 정신건강증진 프로그램 개발(Development of IT-based Mental Health Enhancing Program), AI-기반 심리평가도구 개발(Development of AI-based Psychological Assessment), ADHD 비-약물치료(Non-Pharmacological Treatment of ADHD)

다음 교수 상세 소개 페이지 이동 화살표
기본 정보
  • 1982. B.A in Child Development & Family Studies(minor: Psychology), Seoul National University
  • 1984. M.A in Clinical Psychology, Seoul National University
  • 1993. Ph.D in Clinical Psychology, Yonsei University
경력 및 수상
  • 2004.02.11.~2023.8.31 서울대학교병원 정신건강의학과/소아청소년정신과 교수
  • 2004.02.11.~2023.8.31 서울대학교 의과대학 정신과학교실 교수
  • 1985.03.01.~1988.02.29. 서울대학교병원 신경정신과 임상심리전문가(전공의대우) 3년수련
  • 2001.05.01.~2002.06.30. 미국 하버드의과대학 정신과 방문교수
  • 2007.07.16.~2007.09.15. 네덜란드 암스텔담 프리헤대학 아동임상신경심리학과 방문교수
  • 2008.08.07.~2008.12.31. 대통령직속 군의문사 진상조사위원회 비상임위원
  • 2006.~2010/2010~2012. 대한정신사회재활협회 부이사장/부회장
  • 2010.10.~2011.10. 한국심리학회 부회장 / 국제학술대회 조직위원장
  • 2010.06.~2011.12. 여성가족부 여성아동폭력피해 중앙지원단 단장
  • 2011.10.~2012.10. 한국임상심리학회 회장
  • 2011.07.13.~2013.06.30. 보건복지부 중앙정신보건사업지원단 위원
  • 2011.08.01.~2011.09.29. 독일 울름의과대학 아동청소년정신과/정신치료학과 방문교수
  • 2013.02.22.~2016.02.26. 한국자살예방협회 부회장
  • 2014.04.~2016.04. 한국자폐학회 회장
  • 2015.04.28.~2017.04.27. 서울특별시 정신보건사업지원단 위원
  • 2016.04.~2018.04. 한국인지행동치료학회 회장
  • 2016.02.01.~2018.01.31. 중앙아동보호전문기관 자문위원
  • 2017.11.23.~2019.11.22. 법무부 심리치료중앙자문위원회 위원
  • 2018.12.17.~2019.02.16. 미국 UC San Diego의과대학 정신과 방문교수
  • 2022.11.04.~현재 강남구 보건소 청소년심리지원센터 자문위원
  • 2022.12.~현재 한국심리학회분과 디지털심리학회 회장

  • 2012. 6. 5 학지사 저술상 수상
  • 2013. 8. 23 한국심리학회 학술상
  • 2009. 10. 1 마르퀴스후스후 세계인명사전 등재
  • 2015. 10.15: 서울대총장표창(20년 근속공로)
  • 2021. 10.05: 한국임상심리학회 공로패
  • 신민섭 외 3인 공저(2000). 청소년 심리평가. 한국청소년상담원.
  • 신민섭 외 10인 공저(2001). 주의력결핍 과잉운동장애. 서울대학교 출판부.
  • 신민섭 외 11인 공저(2003). 그림을 통한 아동의 진단과 이해-증보판, 학지사
  • 신민섭 (2003). 난독증이 이해. 학지사.
  • 신민섭 외 7인 공저(2005). 웩슬러 지능검사를 통한 아동 정신병리의 진단평가, 학지사
  • 신민섭 (2005). 사랑중독증. 학지사.
  • 조수철, 신민섭 (2006). 소아정신병리의 진단과 평가. 학지사
  • 신민섭, 송종용 역 (2006). 좋은 부모되기 위한 십계명. 시그마프레스
  • 신민섭, 한수정 (2006). 부모가 알아야 할 청소년 심리 : 영화 속 청소년. 서울대학교 출판부.
  • 신민섭 외 3인 공역 (2006). 변증법적 행동치료. 시그마프레스
  • 신민섭, 김은정, 김지영 (2007). 아동 청소년 로샤의 이론과 실제. 학지사
  • 신민섭, 박선영 (2007). 8살 심리학. 원앤원북스
  • 신민섭, 이현우 (2008). 행동치료의 거장 조셉 월피. 학지사.
  • 신민섭, 김상선 (2008). 분리불안 아이를 둔 부모를 위한 지침서: 엄마랑 있어야 안심이 되요. 시그마프레스.
  • 신민섭, 김수경 (2008). 너 왜그러니: 아동과 청소년을 위한 투렛증후군 이야기. 시그마프레스.
  • 신민섭, 김성준 (2008). 우울증이 주는 선물. 시그마프레스.
  • 신민섭, KBS스펀지2.0제작팀 (2008). 스펀지2.0 공부 잘하는 법. 주니어김영사
  • 신민섭, 설순호, 권준수 역 (2008). 강박증의 인지치료. 학지사
  • 신민섭 편역 및 감수 (2008). 읽으며 행복해지는 동화(나는 왜 그렇게 우울해요, 외 45권), 루크북스.
  • 신민섭, 정영숙, 이승연 공역 (2009). 청소년 심리학.
  • 신민섭, 김태련 외 14인 공역 (2009). 모래놀이치료 핸드북.
  • 조수철, 신민섭 (2010). 아동.청소년 임상면담. 학지사.
  • 신민섭, 우충완, 최현정 편역 (2010) 성격장애의 로샤평가. 시그마프레스.
  • 신민섭, 송진욱 (2010). 아이의 재능을 찾아주는 부모의 질문법. 경향에듀.
  • 신민섭 외 3인 공역 (2012). WISC-IV 임상해석. 학지사.
  • 신민섭, 오서진, 김희선 (2012). 내마음을 찾습니다. RHK.
  • 신민섭 외 9인 공역 (2013). 성인 ADHD를 위한 인지행동치료. 시그마프레스.
  • 신민섭, 이주연외 12인 공저 (2014). 학교 폭력과 괴롭힘 예방. 학지사.
  • 권준수, 신민섭외 10인 공역 (2015). DSM-5 정신질환의 진단 및 통계편람. 학지사
  • 권준수, 신민섭 (2015). 쉽게 따라하는 강박증 인지행동치료. 학지사
  • 신민섭 외 8인 공역 (2015). 한결 쉬워진 정신장애 진단: 정신건강전문가를 위한 진단원칙과 기법, 시그마프레스
  • 신민섭 외 11인 공역 (2016). 쉽게 배우는 DSM-5 임상가를 위한 진단지침. 시그마프레스
  • 신민섭 외 13인 공역 (2017). 심리평가 핸드북 6판. 사회평론아카데미
  • 신민섭 외 15인 공저 (2019). 최신 임상심리학. 학지사.
  • 윤가현, 신민섭 외 13인 공저 (2019). 심리학의 이해 5판. 학지사.
  • 신민섭, 오서진, 권준수 (2019). DSM-5 진단평가척도 핸드북.
  • 신민섭 외 12인 공저 (2022). 임상 사례로 보는 심리진단 및 치료. 사회평론아카데미
  • 신민섭, 김경미외 8인 공역 (2023). 소아기분장애 진단 및 치료 임상핸드북. 학지사.
  • 신민섭 외 12인 공저 (2023). 그림을 통한 아동의 진단과 이해 3판. 학지사.
  • 1) Seo Young Kwon, Gyujin Seo, Mirae Jang, Hanbyul Shin,Wooseok Choi,YouBin Lim, Min-Sup Shin, Boong-Nyun Kim(2023). The effect of mobile neurofeedback training in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Psychophamacology and Neuroscience, https://doi.org/10.9758/cpn.23.1054
  • 2) SoHyun Lee, Sun-Ah Yoon, Min-Sup Shin(2023). Validation of the Korean Childhood Autism Rating Scale-2. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 103, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rasd.2023.102128 Published Print: 2023-05
  • 3) Jung-In Choi, Sanghyup Jung, Gyu Han Oh, Kyung-Lak Son, Kwang-Min Lee, Dooyoung Jung, Tae-Yong Kim, Seock-Ah Im, Kyung-Hun Lee, Min-Sup Shin, Bong-Jin Hahm, Chan-Woo Yeom(2022)T. The Effect of Temperament on the Association Between Pre-treatment Anxiety and Chemotherapy-Related Symptoms in Patients With Breast Cancer. Psychiatry Investigation, 9(11), 949-957.
  • 4) Shin, M.S., Kim, BN, Jang, MR, Shin HB, SEo KJ(2022). Preliminary Validation Study of the Korean Version of the DSM-5 Level 2 Cross-Cutting Symptom Measure: Depression and Irritability for Parents of Children Aged 6–17 Years. Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 33(2), 67-72
  • 5) Do, R.M., Lee, S., Kim, S.S., Cho, M., Shin, H., Jang, M., Shin, M.S.(2021). Effectiveness and dissemination of computer-based cognitive behavioral therapy for depressed adolescents: Effective and accessible to whom? Journal of Affective Disorders, 282, 885-893.
  • 6) Shin, M.S., Kim, B.N., Cho, M. et al.(2021). A Study of the Reliability and Validity of the Korean Version of DSM-5 Symptom Measure–Inattention and Anger for Parent and Guardian of Child Age 6 to 17. J Korean Acad Child Adolescence Psychiatry , 32(2), 71-78.
  • 7) Kim, D., Jung, C.K., Shin, M.S., Kim, J.S., Jeong, W.(2021). Critical area for memory decline after mesial temporal resection in epilepsy patients. JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY, 1-9.
  • 8) KIm, E.S., Kim, E.K., Song, I.G., Jung, Y.H., Kim, H.S., Kim, J.I., Kim, B.N., Shin, M.S., et al(2021). Cognitive and Behavioral Outcomes of School-aged Children Born Extremely Preterm: a Korean Single-center Study with Long-term Follow-up. JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 36(39).
  • 9)Shin, M.S., Oh, S.J., Lee, J.E.(2021). The effect of music combined with heartbeat sounds played through stuffed animals on emotional regulation ability in children. 한국심리치료학회지, 13(2), 19-37.
  • 10) Shim E.J., Hwang, H., Lee, K.M., Lee, J.Y., Lee, S.D., Baik, M.J., Shin, M.S., Moon H., Hahm, B.J.(2020). Somatic symptoms and sleep quality as indicators of depression and suicide risk among Korean military conscripts. Psychiatr Res 36, 287.
  • 11) Park, J.H., Kim, H.W., Ahn, J.H., Shin, M.S., et al(2019). Clinical Use of Continuous Performance Tests to Diagnose Children With ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders, 23(6), 531-540.
  • 12) Kim. K.H., Shin, M.S., Kim, S.K., et al.(2019). Neurocognitive profile in children with arachnoid cysts before and after surgical intervention. CHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM, 35(3), 517-522.
  • 13)Do, R.M., Park, J.R., Cho, M., Kim, J.S., Shin, M.S. (2019). Adolescents’ Attitudes and Intentions toward Help-Seeking and Computer-Based Treatment for Depression. Psychiatry Investigation, 16(10), 728-736.
  • 14) Lee, S.H., Park, J.R., Park,G.W., Shin, M.S.(2019). Psychological Inflexibility and Mindfulness of ADHD Children & Adolescents: Comparison with Normal Controls. 한국심리치료학회지, 11(2), 1-13.
  • 15) Oh, S. J., Seo, S., Lee, J. H., Song, M. J., & Shin, M. S. (2018). Effects of smartphone-based memory training for older adults with subjective memory complaints: a randomized controlled trial. Aging & mental health, 22(4), 526-534.
  • 16) Kim, J. I., Shin, M. S., Lee, Y., Lee, H., Yoo, H. J., Kim, S. Y., Kim, H., Kim, S. J., & Kim, B. N. (2018). Reliability and Validity of a New Comprehensive Tool for Assessing Challenging Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Psychiatry investigation, 15(1), 54-61.
  • 17) Kim, J. I., Kim, J. W., Lee, J. M., Yun, H. J., Sohn, C. H., Shin, M. S., Kim, B., Chae, J., Ooh, J., & Kim, B. N. (2018). Interaction between DRD2 and lead exposure on the cortical thickness of the frontal lobe in youth with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 82, 169-176.
  • 18) Yoo, H. J., Kim, B. N., Kim, J. W., Shin, M. S., Park, T. W., Son, J. W., Chung, U. S., Park, M., & Kim, S. A. (2017). Family-based genetic association study of CNTNAP2 polymorphisms and sociality endophenotypes in Korean patients with autism spectrum disorders. Psychiatric genetics, 27(1), 38-39.
  • 19) Park, C. H. K., Yoo, S. H., Lee, J., Cho, S. J., Shin, M. S., Kim, E. Y., Kim, S. H., Ham, K., & Ahn, Y. M. (2017). Impact of acute alcohol consumption on lethality of suicide methods. Comprehensive psychiatry, 75, 27-34.
  • 20) Lee, J. M., Jung, Y. K., Bae, J. H., Yoon, S. A., Kim, J. H., Choi, Y., Kim, H., Lee, K. W., Ahn, H. Y., Kim, J. W., Shin, M. S., Suh, K. S., Ha, I. S., Cheong, H. I., Kang, H. G., & Yi, N. J. (2017). Delayed transplantation may affect intellectual ability in children. Pediatrics International, 59(10), 1080-1086.
  • 21) Kim, J. I., Kim, B. N., Kim, J. W., Hong, S. B., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., & Cho, S. C. (2017). Breastfeeding is associated with enhanced learning abilities in school-aged children. Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health, 11(1), 36.
  • 22) Park, S., Kim, B. N., Kim, J. W., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., & Cho, S. C. (2017). Interactions between early trauma and catechol-O-methyltransferase genes on inhibitory deficits in children with ADHD. Journal of attention disorders, 21(3), 183-189.
  • 23) Kim, S., Kim, B. N., Kim, J. W., Shin, M. S., Park, T. W., Son, J. W., Chung, U. S., & Park, M. (2017). Polymorphism in the Promoter Region of SEMA5A Is Associated with Sociality Traits in Korean Subjects with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Psychiatry investigation, 14(6), 876-878.
  • 24) Oh, S. H., Kim, S. N., Han, J., Lee, J., Lee, T. Y., Shin, M. S., & Kwon, J. S. (2017). 강박장애의 치료받지 않은 유병기간에 따른 신경인지기능 이상: 예비연구. Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 24(2).
  • 25) Shin, M. S., Choi, J. I., Lee, M., Lee, J., Kim, J., Shin, J., & Kwon, J. S. (2017). 의료기관 직원용 인적성 평가도구의 개발 및 타당화. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association, 56(1), 45-50.
  • 26) Han, J. J., Shin, M. S., Song, J. J., Pai, I., Oh, S., Kim, B., Park, J. H., & Oh, S. H. (2016). Prognostic value of psychological state in cochlear implantation. Acta oto-laryngologica, 136(2), 154-158.
  • 27) Jung, H. Y., Kim, J. W., Lee, S., Yoo, S. H., Jeon, J. H., Kim, T. W., Park, J. S., Jeong, S. Y., Oh, S. J., Kim, E. J., & Shin, M. S. (2016). A study of core humanistic competency for developing humanism education for medical students. Journal of Korean medical science, 31(6), 829-835.
  • 28) Shin, Y. S., Kim, S. Y., Lee, T. Y., Hur, J. W., Shin, N. Y., Kim, S. N., Shin, M. S., & Kwon, J. S. (2016). Longitudinal change in neurocognition and its relation to symptomatic and functional changes over 2 years in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia research, 174(1-3), 50-57.
  • 29) Shin, M. S., Jeon, H., Kim, M., Hwang, T., Oh, S. J., Hwangbo, M., & Kim, K. J. (2016). Effects of smart-tablet-based neurofeedback training on cognitive function in children with attention problems. Journal of child neurology, 31(6), 750-760.
  • 30) Fujioka, T., Takiguchi, S., Yatsuga, C., Hiratani, M., Hong, K. E. M., Shin, M. S., Cho, S., Kosaka, H., & Tomoda, A. (2016). Advanced Test of Attention in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Japan for Evaluation of Methylphenidate and Atomoxetine Effects. Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience, 14(1), 79.
  • 31) Shin, M. S., Choi, J., Ahn, R. Y., Lee, D. Y., & Kwon, J. S. (2016). A Comparative Study of Computerized Memory Test and The Korean version of the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Packet for Assessing Memory Function in the Elderly. Psychiatry investigation, 13(6), 590-594.
  • 32) Seol, S. H., Kwon, J. S., Kim, Y. Y., Kim, S. N., & Shin, M. S. (2016). Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder in Korea. Psychiatry investigation, 13(4), 373-382.
  • 33) Shin, M. S., Lee, J., Lee, J., Lee, J., Kwon, E., Jeon, H., & Lee, S. (2016). 스마트 토이를 활용한 학령 전기 아동용 주의력 훈련 과제의 주의력 향상 효과: 예비연구. The Journal of the Korean Association of Psychotherapy, 9(2), 1-36.
  • 34) Lee, M., Choi, J. I., & Lee, J., & Shin, M. S. (2016). 자기보고식 평가도구에서 나타나는 방어적인 응답경향: 예비연구. The Journal of the Korean Association of Psychotherapy, 8(2), 61-80.
  • 35) Park, J., Kim, C., Ahn, J. H., Joo, Y., Shin, M. S., Lee, H. J., & Kim, H. W. (2016). Clinical use of continuous performance tests to diagnose children with ADHD. Journal of attention disorders, 1087054716658125 [Epub ahead of print].
  • 36) Park, S., Kim, B. N., Cho, S. C., Kim, J. W., Shin, M. S., & Yoo, H. J. (2015). Prevalence, correlates, and comorbidities of DSM-IV psychiatric disorders in children in Seoul, Korea. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 27(2), NP1942-NP1951.
  • 37) Hong, S. B., Zalesky, A., Park, S., Yang, Y. H., Park, M. H., Kim, B., Song, I. C., Sohn, C. H., Shin, M. S., Kim, B. N., Cho, S. C., & Kim, J. W. (2015). COMT genotype affects brain white matter pathways in attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Human brain mapping, 36(1), 367-377.
  • 38) Park, S., Kim, B. N., Kim, J. W., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., & Cho, S. C. (2017). Interactions between early trauma and catechol-O-methyltransferase genes on inhibitory deficits in children with ADHD. Journal of attention disorders, 21(3), 183-189.
  • 39) Park, S., Cheong, J. H., Cho, S. C., Kim, J. W., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., Han, D. H., & Kim, B. N. (2015). Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate exposure is negatively correlated with trait anxiety in girls but not with trait anxiety in boys or anxiety-like behavior in male mice. Journal of child neurology, 30(1), 48-52.
  • 40) Shin, M. S., Song, J. J., Han, K. H., Lee, H. J., Do, R. M., Kim, B. J., & Oh, S. H. (2015). The effect of psychosocial factors on outcomes of cochlear implantation. Acta oto-laryngologica, 135(6), 572-577.
  • 41) Park, M., Song, J. J., Oh, S. J., Shin, M. S., Lee, J. H., & Oh, S. H. (2015). The relation between nonverbal IQ and postoperative CI outcomes in cochlear implant users: preliminary result. BioMed research international, 2015.
  • 42) Yoo, H. J., Woo, R. S., Cho, S. C., Kim, B. N., Kim, J. W., Shin, M. S., Park, T. W., Son, J. W., Chung, U. S., Park, S., Park, M., & Kim, S. A. (2015). Genetic association analyses of neuregulin 1 gene polymorphism with endopheontype for sociality of Korean autism spectrum disorders family. Psychiatry research, 227(2-3), 366-368.
  • 43) Park, S., Kim, J. W., Kim, B. N., Bae, J. H., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., & Cho, S. C. (2015). Clinical characteristics and precipitating factors of adolescent suicide attempters admitted for psychiatric inpatient care in South Korea. Psychiatry investigation, 12(1), 29-36.
  • 44) Park, S., Park, J. E., Yoo, H. J., Kim, J. W., Cho, S. C., Shin, M. S., Cheong, J. H., Han, D. H., & Kim, B. N. (2015). Family-based association study of the arsenite methyltransferase gene (AS3MT, rs11191454) in Korean children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Psychiatric genetics, 25(1), 26-30.
  • 45) Shin, M. S., Lee, J., Oh, S., Kim, I., Hong, C., & Kim, S. (2015). 학령전기 아동 대상의 스마트기기를 사용한 전산화 주의력 평가과제의 개발 및 타당도 검증 연구. Journal of the Korean Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 26(2), 104-111.
  • 46) Kim, K. H., Kwon, K., Jang, J., & Shin, M. S. (2015). 상담일반: 의대생 상담경험에 대한 질적 연구. Korean Journal of Counseling, 16(5), 1-21.
  • 47) Kim, J. H., Sunwoo, H. J., Park, S., Noh, D. H., Jung, Y. K., Cho, I. H., Cho, S. C., Kim, B. N., Shin, M. S., Kim, J. W., Park, T. W., Son, J. W., Chung, U, S., & Yoo, H. J. (2015). 한국어판 사회적 의사소통 설문지 타당화 연구. Journal of the Korean Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 26(3).
  • 48) Park, S., Cho, S. C., Kwon, O., Bae, J. H., Kim, J. W., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., & Kim, B. N. (2015). Clinical Characteristics of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder by Subtype in a Korean Inpatient Sample. Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 26(4), 251-257.
  • 49) Yoo, H. J., Bahn, G., Cho, I. H., Kim, E. K., Kim, J. H., Min, J. W., Lee, W. H., Seo, J. S., Jun, S. S., Bong, G., Cho. S., Shin, M. S., Kim, B. N., Kim, J. W., Park, S., & Laugeson, E. A. (2014). A Randomized Controlled Trial of the K orean Version of the PEERS® Parent‐Assisted Social Skills Training Program for Teens With ASD. Autism Research, 7(1), 145-161.
  • 50) Park, S., Cho, S. C., Hong, Y. C., Kim, J. W., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., Han, D. H., Cheong, J. H., & Kim, B. N. (2014). Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and children’s intelligence at 8–11 years of age. Environmental health perspectives, 122(10), 1123.
  • 51) Park, S., Kim, B. N., Cho, S. C., Kim, Y., Kim, J. W., Lee, J. Y., Hong, S. B., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., Im, H., Cheong, J. H., & Han, D. H. (2014). Association between urine phthalate levels and poor attentional performance in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder with evidence of dopamine gene-phthalate interaction. International journal of environmental research and public health, 11(7), 6743-6756.
  • 52) Kim, H. S., An, Y. M., Kwon, J. S., & Shin, M. S.(2014). A preliminary validity study of the cambridge neuropsychological test automated battery for the assessment of executive function in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Psychiatry investigation, 11(4), 394-401.
  • 53) Hong, S. B., Lee, J. H., Kim, J. W., Chun, D. H., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., Kim, B. N., & Cho, S. C. (2014). The impact of depressive symptoms in adults with ADHD symptoms on family function and ADHD symptoms of their children. Psychiatry investigation, 11(2), 124-130.
  • 54) Park, S., Kim, B. N., Kim, J. W., Shin, M. S., Cho, S. C., Kim, J. H., Son, J. W., Shin, Y. M., Chung, U. S., & Han, D. H. (2014). Neurotrophin 3 genotype and emotional adverse effects of osmotic-release oral system methylphenidate (OROS-MPH) in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 28(3), 220-226.
  • 55) Park, S., Park, J. E., Cho, S. C., Kim, B. N., Shin, M. S., Kim, J. W., Cho, I. H., Kim, S. A., Park, M., Park, T. W., Son, J. W., Chung, U. S., & Yoo, H. J. (2014). No association of the norepinephrine transporter gene (SLC6A2) and cognitive and behavioural phenotypes of patients with autism spectrum disorder. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 264(6), 507-515.
  • 56) Hong, S. B., Kim, J. W., Choi, B. S., Hong, Y. C., Park, E. J., Shin, M. S., Kim, B. N., Yoo, H. J., Cho, I. H., Bhang, S. Y., & Cho, S. C. (2014). Blood manganese levels in relation to comorbid behavioral and emotional problems in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Psychiatry research, 220(1-2), 418-425.
  • 57) Hong, S. B., Zalesky, A., Fornito, A., Park, S., Yang, Y. H., Park, M. H., Song, I. C., Sohn, C. H., Shin, M. S., Kim, B. N., Cho, S. C., Han, D. H., Cheong, J. H., & Kim, J. W. (2014). Connectomic disturbances in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a whole-brain tractography analysis. Biological psychiatry, 76(8), 656-663.
  • 58) Park, S., Kim, B. N., Choi, N. H., Ryu, J., McDermott, B., Cobham, V., Song, S. H., Kim, J. W., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., & Cho, S. C. (2014). The effect of persistent posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms on executive functions in preadolescent children witnessing a single incident of death. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 27(3), 241-252.
  • 59) Park, S., Kim, B. N., Kim, J. W., Jung, Y. K., Lee, J., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., & Cho, S. C. (2014). The role of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor genotype and parenting in early life in predicting externalizing and internalizing symptoms in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 10(1), 1.
  • 60) Park, S., Kim, B. N., Kim, J. W., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., & Cho, S. C. (2014). Protective effect of breastfeeding with regard to children’s behavioral and cognitive problems. Nutrition journal, 13(1), 111.
  • 61) Park, S., Kim, J. W., Kim, B. N., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., & Cho, S. C. (2014). Catechol-O-methyltransferase Val158-Met polymorphism and a response of hyperactive-impulsive symptoms to methylphenidate: A replication study from South Korea. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 28(7), 671-676.
  • 62) Hong, S. B., Dwyer, D., Kim, J. W., Park, E. J., Shin, M. S., Kim, B. N., Yoo, H. J., Cho, I. H., Bhang, S. Y., Hong, Y. C., Pantelis, C., & Cho, S. C. (2014). Subthreshold attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is associated with functional impairments across domains: a comprehensive analysis in a large-scale community study. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 23(8), 627-636.
  • 63) Hong, S. B., Youssef, G. J., Song, S. H., Choi, N. H., Ryu, J., McDermott, B., Cobham, V., Park, S., Kim, J. W., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., Cho, S. C., & Kim, B. N. (2014). Different clinical courses of children exposed to a single incident of psychological trauma: a 30‐month prospective follow‐up study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 55(11), 1226-1233.
  • 64) Park, S., Cho, S. C., Kim, J. W., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., Oh, S. M., Han, D. H., Cheong, J, H., & Kim, B. N. (2014). Differential perinatal risk factors in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder by subtype. Psychiatry research, 219(3), 609-616.
  • 65) Park, S., Kim, B. N., Cho, S. C., Kim, J. W., Kim, J. I., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., Han, D. H., & Cheong, J. H. (2014). The metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 7 rs3792452 polymorphism is associated with the response to methylphenidate in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, 24(4), 223-227.
  • 66) Kwon, O., Park, S., Lee, S. M., Kim, J. W., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., Cho, S. C., & Kim, B. N. (2014). 소아청소년 양극성장애 입원 환자의 약물 사용 특성: 후향적 차트 분석 연구. Journal of the Korean Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 25(1).
  • 67) Lee, H. J., Shin, M. S., Ko, H. J., & Kwak, Y. S. (2014). 한국판 청소년용 삶의 이유 척도의 신뢰도와 타당도 연구. Journal of the Korean Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 25(3).
  • 68) Jung, Y. K., Park, S., Baik, Y., Kim, K., Shin, M. S., Lee, J., Kim, M. K., & Kim, B. N. (2014). 문화예술교육이 아동의 행동과 사회기술에 미치는 영향: 예비연구. Journal of the Korean Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 25(4).
  • 69) Hong, S. B., Im, M. H., Kim, J. W., Park, E. J., Shin, M. S., Kim, B. N., Yoo, H. J., Cho, I. H., Bhang, S. Y., Hong, Y. C., & Cho, S. C. (2014). Environmental lead exposure and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptom domains in a community sample of South Korean school-age children. Environmental Health Perspectives, 123(3), 271-276.
  • 70) Seol, S. H., Kwon, J. S., & Shin, M. S. (2013). Korean self-report version of the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale: factor structure, reliability, and validity. Psychiatry investigation, 10(1), 17-25.
  • 71) Kim, M. J., Kwon, J. S., & Shin, M. S. (2013). Mediating effect of executive function on memory in normal aging adults. Psychiatry investigation, 10(2), 108-114.
  • 72) Cho, S. C., Hong, Y. C., Kim, J. W., Park, S., Park, M. H., Hur, J., Park, E. J., Hong, S. B., Lee, J. H., Shin, M. S., Kim, B. N., Yoo, H. J., Cho, I. H., Bhang, S. Y., Hahn, S. (2013). Association between urine cotinine levels, continuous performance test variables, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and learning disability symptoms in school-aged children. Psychological medicine, 43(1), 209-219.
  • 73) Huh, M. J., Shim, G., Byun, M. S., Kim, S. N., Kim, E., Jang, J. H., Shin, M. S., & Kwon, J. S. (2013). The impact of personality traits on ratings of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Psychiatry investigation, 10(3), 259-265.
  • 74) Hong, S. B., Kim, J. W., Shin, M. S., Hong, Y. C., Park, E. J., Kim, B. N., Yoo, H. J., Cho, I. H., Bhang, S. Y., & Cho, S. C. (2013). Impact of family environment on the development of tic disorders: epidemiologic evidence for an association. Annals of clinical psychiatry: official journal of the American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists, 25(1), 50-58.
  • 75) Park, S., Hong, S. B., Kim, J. W., Yang, Y. H., Park, M. H., Kim, B. N., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., & Cho, S. C. (2013). White-matter connectivity and methylphenidate-induced changes in attentional performance according to α2A-adrenergic receptor gene polymorphisms in Korean children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences, 25(3), 222-228.
  • 76) Hong, S. B., Hong, Y. C., Kim, J. W., Park, E. J., Shin, M. S., Kim, B. N., Yoo, H. J., Cho, I. H., Bhang, S. Y., & Cho, S. C. (2013). Bisphenol A in relation to behavior and learning of school‐age children. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, 54(8), 890-899.
  • 77) Bhang, S. Y., Cho, S. C., Kim, J. W., Hong, Y. C., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., Cho, I. H., Kim, Y., & Kim, B. N. (2013). Relationship between blood manganese levels and children's attention, cognition, behavior, and academic performance—a nationwide cross-sectional study. Environmental research, 126, 9-16.
  • 78) Park, S., Kim, B. N., Kim, J. W., Hong, S. B., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., & Cho, S. C. (2013). Nocturnal enuresis is associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and conduct problems. Psychiatry investigation, 10(3), 253-258.
  • 79) Park, S., Jung, S. W., Kim, B. N., Cho, S. C., Shin, M. S., Kim, J. W., Yoo, H. J., Cho, D. Y., Chung, U. S., Son, J. W., & Kim, H. W. (2013). Association between the GRM7 rs3792452 polymorphism and attention deficit hyperacitiveity disorder in a Korean sample. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 9(1), 1.
  • 80) Kim, B. N., Kim, J. W., Cummins, T. D., Bellgrove, M. A., Hawi, Z., Hong, S. B., Yang, Y. H., Kim, H. J., Shin, M. S., Cho, S. C., Kim, J. H., Son, J. W., Shin, Y. M., Chung, U. S., & Han, D. H. (2013). Norepinephrine genes predict response time variability and methylphenidate-induced changes in neuropsychological function in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, 33(3), 356-362.
  • 81) Park, S., Kim, B. N., Cho, S. C., Kim, J. W., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., Han, D. H., & Cheong, J. H. (2013). Baseline severity of parent-perceived inattentiveness is predictive of the difference between subjective and objective methylphenidate responses in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, 23(6), 410-414.
  • 82) Kim, J. W., Park, S., Kim, B. N., Shin, M. S., Cho, S. C., Kim, J. H., Shin, Y. M., Chung, U. S., & Han, D. H. (2013). Parental perceived benefits of OROS-methylphenidate treatment for the child with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and for parents themselves. Pharmacopsychiatry, 46(4), 137-146.
  • 83) Oh, S. J., Chang, H. A., Choi, J. Y., & Shin, M. S. (2013). 학교폭력 예방을 위한 인터넷 기반 분노조절 프로그램의 개발과 효과 검증. Journal of the Korean Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 24(3).
  • 84) Song, J. W., Bahn, G. H., Cho, I. H., Cho, S. C., Kim, B. N., Shin, M. S., Kim, J. W., Park, S., Hong, S. B., & Yoo, H. J. (2013). 자폐 스펙트럼 장애 청소년에서 주의력결핍 과잉행동장애 유무에 따른 임상적 특성: 자폐증상, 정서문제, 부모•자녀관계를 중심으로. Journal of the Korean Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 24(4).
  • 85) Kim, J. S., Park, H. Y., Kim, S. N., Shin, M. S., Ha, T. H., & Kwon, J. S. (2013). 강박증 환자의 인지행동치료 순응도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association, 52, 409-416.
  • 86) Kim, H. S., An, Y. M., Kwon, J. S., & Shin, M. S. (2013). 조현병과 양극성 장애 환자의 Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery와 Computerized Neuropsychological Test 비교 :예비연구. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association, 52, 76-83.
  • 87) Park, S., Bae, J. H., Kim, J. W., Yang, Y. H., Oh, S., Hong, S. B., Park, M. H., Kim, B. N., Shin, M. S., Yoo, H. J., & Cho, S. C. (2013). 주의력결핍 과잉행동장애 아동에서 α-2A 아드레날린 수용체 유전자의 MspI 유전자 다형성에 따른 메칠페니데이트 치료 전후 뇌관류 비교. Journal of the Korean Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 24(1).
  • 88) Park, M.H., Cho S.C, Shin, M.S., et al.(2012). Regional brain perfusion before and after treatment with methylphenidate may be associated with the G1287A polymorphism of the norepinephrine transporter gene in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 514(2), 159-163.
  • 89) Park, S., Cho S.C, Shin, M.S., et al.(2012). Possible effect of norepinephrine transporter polymorphisms on methylphenidate-induced changes in neuropsychological function in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN FUNCTIONS, 8,
  • 90) Park, S., Cho S.C, Shin, M.S., et al.(2012). Association between dietary behaviors and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and learning disabilities in school-aged children. PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH, 198(3). 468-476
  • 91) Hong S.B., Kim J.w., Shin, M.S., et al(2012). Dopaminergic and Noradrenergic Gene Polymorphisms and Response to Methylphenidate in Korean Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Is There an Interaction? Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 22(5), 343-352.
  • 92) Ye Seul Shin, Jun Soo Kwon, Min-Sup Shin et al.(2012). Switching strategy underlies phonemic verbal fluency impairment in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 1(4), 221-227
  • 93) Park S.B., Yoo H.J., Shin M.S., et al(2012). Sex differences in children with autism spectrum disorders compared with their unaffected siblings and typically developing children. Rearch in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6(2), 861-870.
  • 94) Park S.B., Yoo H.J., Shin M.S., et al(2012). Sleep problems and their correlates and comorbid psychopathology of children with autism spectrum disorders. Rearch in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6(3), 106-107.
  • 95) 김경아, 신민섭(2012). ADHD 아동의 시간 지각 결함. 한국심리학회지 임상. 31(2). 449-466.
  • 96) Song SH, Kim BN, Shin M.S. et al.(2012). A 30-month prospective follow-up study of psychological symptoms, psychiatric diagnoses, and their effects on quality of life in children witnessing a single incident of death at school. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 73(5), 594-600.