디지털 심리치료와 AI (Digital Psychotherapy & AI), 행복의 심리학 (Psychology of Happiness), 사랑의 심리학 (Psychology of Love), 심리검사 (Psychological Testing), 심리진단 (Psychodiagnosis)
2002. 고려대학교 심리학과 박사 (임상심리) Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Korea University
1996. 고려대학교 심리학과 석사 (임상심리) M.A. in Clinical Psychology, Korea University
1993. 고려대학교 심리학과 학사 B.A. in Psychology, Korea University
경력 및 수상
2020. 10. ~ 2021. 10/ 한국임상심리학회 회장 President, Korean Clinical Psychology Association
2019. 2. ~ 2023.1 / 고려대학교 학생상담센터장 Director, Korea University Student Counseling Center
2015. 3. ~ 2021.2 / 고려대학교 문과대학 멘토링상담센터장 Director, Mentoring & Counseling Center, College of Liberal arts, Korea University
2015. 2. ~ 2017. 1. / 고려대학교 심리학과 학과장 Department Chair, Department of Psychology, Korea University
2007. 9. ~ present / 고려대학교 심리학부 조교수, 부교수, 교수 Professor, Department of Psychology, Korea University
2004. 3. ~ 2007. 8. / 예일 대학교 박사후연구원 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychology, Yale University
1997. 3. ~ 2000. 2. / 삼성서울병원 신경정신과 임상심리 레지던트 Clinical Psychologist, Department of Neuropsychiatry, Samsung Seoul Medical Center
학부 및 대학원 담당과목
심리학의 기초 II
리더십의 심리학
이만하면 괜찮은 부모: 세상의 나쁜 것을 이기는 부모의 좋은 힘 (김진영, 고영건, 한국경제신문사, 2022). Good enough parents: The good power of parents to win over the bad of the world (The Korea Economic Daily, 2022)
행복의 품격 (고영건, 김진영, 한국경제신문사, 2019) The dignity of happiness (The Korea Economic Daily, 2019)
사람의 향기 (고영건, 박영스토리, 2019) The scent of humans (Pakyoung Story, 2019)
멘탈휘트니스 긍정심리 프로그램 (고영건, 김진영, 학지사, 2012) Mental Fitness Positive Psychology Program (Hakjisa, 2012)
Kim, J., Moon, K., Kim, S., Kim, H., & Ko, Y. G. (2023). The relationship between mental representations of self and social evaluation: Examining the validity and usefulness of visual proxies of self-image. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 937905.
Kim, S., Moon, K., Kim, J., & Ko, Y.-g. (2022). The relationship between borderline personality features and affective responses to altering emotional context. Current Psychology: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues, 41(8), 5594–5602.
Min, H., Kim, J., Moon, K., Lee, S., Kim, J. Y., & Ko, Y. G. (2022). Development and validation of COVID-19 Impact Scale. BMC psychology, 10(1), 88.
Kim, J., Moon, K., Lee, J., Jeong, Y., Lee, S., & Ko, Y. G. (2022). Online learning performance and engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic: Application of the dual-continua model of mental health. Frontiers in Psychology, 4228.
Lee, H., Kim, S., Kim, H., & Ko, Y. (2021). Encoding differences in posed negative emotional expressions between prosocials and proselfs. Current Psychology, 40(2), 719-730.
Moon, K., Kim, S., Kim, J., Kim, H., & Ko, Y. (2020). The mirror of mind: Visualizing mental representations of self through reverse correlation. Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 1149.
Lee, Y., & Ko, Y. (2018). Feeling lonely when not socially isolated: Social isolation moderates the association between loneliness and daily social interaction. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 35(10), 1340-1355.
Ko, Y., & Kim, J. (2008). Scientific geniuses' psychopathology as a moderator in the relation between creative contribution types and eminence. Creativity Research Journal, 20(3), 251-261.